The sender shall ensure that the postal items are comply with legal stipulations including the local regulations established in all the competent authorities in the Macao Special Administrative Region, in the countries or regions of transit and destination countries. For verification of compliance of the postal items with the legal and regulatory provisions, Macao Post and Telecommunications Bureau has permission to staff in requiring the sender or the recipient to open the postal item or undertaking to review, in his/her presence, without infringing the postal item. In case of refusal to open the postal item, Macao Post and Telecommunications Bureau shall refuse to accept posting or delivery of the postal item in accordance with the Article 22 of the Decree-Law no. 88/99/M, 29 November (Established in the general principles to observe the provision of postal services, installation and use of the postal infrastructure). In case of detection of any offense, Macao Post and Telecommunications Bureau will process in accordance with the relevant procedures mentioned in Article 23 of the referred Decree-Law.
According to the above mentioned item g) of Article 44 of Decree-Law no. 88/99/M and item 2.7 of Article 2 of Decree-Law no. 62/2005, 26 December (The General Table of Fees and Fines of the Postal Services) (I – Fines). If false information is provided or false declarations are made, the offender will be liable to a maximum fine of MOP 1,000.
For surveillance purposes of the postal items received and delivered from Macao by the Macao Post and Telecommunications Bureau, the Customs, with the authorized staff from Macao Post and Telecommunications Bureau, may require the sender or the recipient to open the postal item or undertaking to review, in his/her presence, without infringing the postal item, in accordance with the provisions in point 3 of item 1 in Article 3 and Article 4 of the Decree-Law no. 11/2001, 6 August.
Import operations are processed in accordance with the provisions of (Act of Foreign Trade), (Regulation of Foreign Trade Operations) and other applicable legislations. Therefore, the recipients shall provide the import permits or documentation required by law before taking the postal items.